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Furry-Muscle Cast


Nov 5, 2015

Furry-Muscle Cast – 51 - Post Olympia & Stuff

  1. Introductions
    1. Maximus-Ursus – (Away)
    2. Beastly Bahamut – Blueing Up The Landscape!
    3. Tiptoe – (Away)
    4. Jazz Wolf – Progressing Bou!
    5. Schredded Wolf – Just Some More Freaking Weights!
    6. Snowheart – His Own Beast from Someone’s Final Fantasy!
    7. Syn – (Away)
    8. Tiberious – (Away)
    9. Zak – Looking Forward


  1. Topics
    1. Review Mr. Olympia

Schred’s Mr. Olympia 2015 Prediction


  1. Phil Heath
  2. Mohamad Ali Bannout (Big Ramy)
  3. Dennis Wolf
  4. Shawn Rhoden
  5. Dexter Jackson
  6. Steve Kuclo
  7. Branch Warren
  8. Roelly Winklaar
  9. Fouad Abiad
  10. Justin Compton


Zak’s Top 5 Mr. Olympia 2015 Prediction

  1. Fouad Abiad
  2. Branch Warren
  3. Mohamad Ali Bannout (Big Ramy)
  4. Justin Compton
  5. Phil Heath


Results Mr. Olympia 2015

1st - Phil Heath

2nd - Dexter Jackson

3rd - Shawn Rhoden

4th - Dennis Wolf

5th - Big Ramy

6th - Branch Warren

7th - Roelly Winklaar

8th - William Bonac

9th - Victor Martinez

10th - Essa Obaid





  1. Training Splits – Snowheart
    • Back and Bis
    • Chest and Tris Approach


  1. Season Changes – Fall
    • Check In - While we all know that here in the United States Fall has already started. So a new season and a new time to look at yourself overall and see how things are working out for you, ie. workouts, diet, exercises.
    • New Season, New Goal – Look over what has been working for you and change it up. Maybe the reps go down and focus on strength more.
      1. Think of something to be a focus that is ambitious like a one arm push up area bodyweight pull ups.
    • Progress Changes – Think of how you track progress.
      1. Think of taking weekly pictures to keep a better track of your progress.
      2. If you take daily pictures think about making it weekly.
      3. Same goes for body weight, BMI, body fat and all of that.
    • Outside – Try working outside, working outside make things fresh and different. A change in environment helps to energize the body with a mix of than just a gym.
    • Class – Try a class in something that will work towards your goals and be social while working out.


  1. Emails
    1. PapaPants @ Jazz

Question: What are your fitness goals now that you have been back to the gym for while?


  1. BlueFang @Schred

Question: Have you try to do the 5x5 training program? Also, will you be going to MFF and maybe I can hit the gym with you guys?


  1. Closing Out:
    1. We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
    2. You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.
    3. You can email us at, you can also call us and leave comments and questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
    4. You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
    5. Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at
    6. Next Furry-Muscle Cast: November – 13th